fall use造句


  1. For spring through fall use, there are six canoes.
  2. Intuit realized just that after launching its mortgage site last fall using the referral model.
  3. The group plans to buy multilingual subway advertisements this fall using grant money from the city.
  4. He makes an apple beer every fall using a variety of apples from Indian Ladder Farms.
  5. The company will begin human studies this fall using the device to deliver a flu vaccine, Moran said.
  6. It's difficult to find fall use in a sentence. 用fall use造句挺难的
  7. Around the early 1900s Brandywine Falls used to have a train station and many log cabins adjacent to the falls.
  8. An Arab crowd in Nablus last fall used crowbars and pickaxes to raze the Jewish shrine of Joseph's Tomb.
  9. In the scene, Spock watches Kirk's ascent, and saves him when he slips and falls using levitating boots.
  10. Once seated, the driver has a view that is panoramic, in the sense that guides at Niagara Falls use the word.
  11. Graham falls use contractions and manipulate the body's center of gravity, in order to control the timing and direction of a fall.
  12. Killswitch Engage and Shadows Fall used melody in their songs but didn't push it quite far enough into the realm of the memorable anthem.
  13. The finance ministry has allocated 6 billion lei ( dlrs 3 million ) for the project, which will start in the fall using mostly modern poisons.
  14. Fascist " which The Fall used to play live in their early days ( as shown by its inclusion on " Live 1977 " ).
  15. Leslie Irvin jumped over McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio, to prove that you will not lose consciousness during a delayed free-fall using a manually operated parachute.
  16. Sports, such as soccer and kayaking, during the spring and fall used to be more of a priority compared to now, but they are still required at CVA today.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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